The LORD JESUS is my rock,
and my fortress,
and my deliverer;
my God, my strength,
in whom I will trust.
from PSALM 18, 2 (KJV)
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves Work at Sea Pacific Mission Aviation Rhein 2012 Die Schweiz
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Dear Friend,

Contrary the popular belief, people are not inherently good. The Bible says we are all bad and separated from God by our sinful nature. Despite our culture screaming for tolerance and inclusivism, the Bible teaches that there is ONLY ONE WAY A PERSON CAN BE RECONCILED TO GOD; and that is through His Son, Jesus Christ. That is unpopular to say today, some people call it narrow-minded, and yes, it is! But narrow-mindedness leads to truth. Truth is not broad, it's not inclusive, it's not liberal, truth by its very nature is exclusive. People are going to great length in building various ways to god, by religion, good works, morality and philosophy. But the truth is that the god they are building toward is the god of their imagination, not the God of the Bible. The one true God of the Bible has provided one way by which a person can be made righteous, and that is by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Not everything that is labeled "Christian" is from God. There are many false prophets, right in our midst! Even among professing Christians, many believe that there are other ways to heaven. But, if that was true, then the death of Jesus Christ would have been totally unnecessary! The only true saving faith is by BELIEVING (or in other words: TRUSTING) in the finished work of salvation provided by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross. NOTHING ELSE! Not by feeling sorry for your sins, not by trying to be a better person, not by attending a certain church, not by baptism or communion, not even by discipleship or by calling Jesus "Lord". It is only by believing. Believing that He is who He said He was: God in the flesh, who came to earth for one purpose only. Not to be a great teacher, a moral example, a social reformer, no! But to die, and to become the sacrificial Lamb of God, to follow the will of the Father. Christ died for us, which has satisfied the demand of God that sin must be punished, and in providing this one way, God can both be "loving" and "just".

Salvation can never be lost, because it doesn't depend on how good we are. Salvation is a new standing before God, a sonship, and even if we don't live like a saint, in God's eyes, believers are! Not by my own merit, but because of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, how has kept all the laws for us, the laws that we could never keep. Is that CHEAP GRACE, you ask? No, not cheap, actually please lower the price even more... FREE GRACE. God promised that He will save anyone who puts their faith in His Son for their salvation.

How do I know that I'm saved today? Because my salvation clings to His finished work, and is not dependent on my performance. If you have to look at your life to see if you're saved, it proves that you're not. Please never mix grace and works. Justification is free and it's by faith alone. Sanctification is hard work. Turning from sins is hard work that a Christian should do every day, but not in order to be saved, nor to stay saved.

Please be careful not to add your works to the Gospel. Many churches are teaching Lordship Salvation, meaning that in order to be saved, you must turn from your sins and follow Christ. That is not how I got saved! I got saved by believing alone. Works don't save, and since they don't save, they are not a good evidence for salvation. An unsaved man can lead a better life than a saved person. The big question is what are you trusting in to take you to heaven. Is it your works, or Christ alone? Yes we should add works to our faith, because God has commanded it, and to reap blessings in this life, and to earn rewards in heaven. But our works have nothing to do with our salvation.

The word "repentance" is often misused, which leads to so many false doctrines when it comes to salvation. To repent means to "turn from", and when it's used for salvation, it means to turn from unbelief to belief. That is what salvation is. Not turning from all your sins, because you couldn't do that even if you tried. Of course a Christian should repent of sins daily, but not in order to be saved, he's aleardy saved, and not to stay saved, as he is already eternally secure.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pearls of Wisdom

Spiritual Passport

4 Signposts to Heaven

Jesus our High Priest

Jesus Came to Die

It is not an Option!

The False Religion of Liberalism

Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord

Bible Preaching is not Radical!

Sincere Followers of other Religions

Narrow-Minded? Yes!
